We all at one time or another have faced a crisis and said, “If God doesn’t come through with a miracle in this situation—>there is NO WAY I’m going to get the help I need, guidance, wisdom, strategy, or breakthrough!” Am I right about it?!
And when God does come through we are uber excited when our peace, joy, health, and finances are restored. In fact, we can’t wait to share our testimony with anyone who will listen regarding our miracle blessing.
So just how does the power of prayer invade our lives for us to experience the miraculous?
Well let’s start by defining what prayer is: a dialogue between a loving Father and us; a direct line of communication with access to God 24/7; it’s an expression of our heart towards our Father; it is an experience that we have with the Father through relationship.
Prayer is not a ritual legalistic activity. And there is power when you pray your way to victory.
Watch this video on the 3 steps to PRAY YOUR WAY TO VICTORY! You can CLICK HERE and connect with me on the Facebook replay to continue the conversation. #mindshapeup
Blessings and Love,
Hello Lauretha,
I also have Power of. Prayer, Power of A Praying Wife, The Five Love Languages , The Apology Book by Gary Chapman.
Hi Genis,
I’ve loved using the first two books that you mentioned, and especially “The Five Love Languages” with my kids…it really was a lifesaver as they were growing up. One of my sons loved the hugs and the other son held onto notes and messages I gave him for positive affirmations. I’ll have to check out “The Apology”.
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