The challenge is that many individuals do not SPEAK UP when it comes to physical, verbal, sexual, or mental abuse. And it could be for various reasons, such as it presents as a taboo topic, fear of no one believing them, and also not wanting to face the stigma and shame of being abused.

Statistics from RAINN.org (Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network) says every 98 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. And every 8 minutes that victim is a child. Meanwhile, only 6 out of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison. So many individuals are in need of help to put a stop to the abuse. And the impact of reaching for outside help is that you will gain assistance from a skilled therapist and support from family and friends. Also during the process, you can lean on God as your source of strength.

So how does one flip the script so to speak to help individuals overcome the challenge of living in silence, shame, and pain from the abuse? You have got to SPEAK UP!! Help is available to have you go from surviving to thriving. And to move from a victim of your circumstances to living a victorious life.

I understand what you are going through and I share my story below as a survivor of sexual assault and can provide you with the benefits and resources in the process of you getting healed and delivered from the trauma of abuse.

Watch this video on the 3 steps to SPEAK UP TO ACHIEVE VICTORY! You can CLICK HERE and connect with me on the Facebook replay to continue the conversation. #mindshapeup

Blessings and Love,